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"A wise man once said, "When it comes to pussy there is good and there is bad and the worst I ever had was wonderful" and that was true when it came to Maxine. Her blow jobs were half hearted, but I enjoyed them anyway especially since it was Miss Better Than Thou who was giving them to me. She pretty much laid there for the two times I pounded her pussy, but I could tell she was making a huge effort not to give me the satisfaction of seeing her respond. It was a different story when it came to her ass. She got really active when I pushed my way up her dirt road. She yelled and screamed and tried to pull away, but I wasn't about to let that happen. When it was over she said:"You are a real bastard Henry." Hank not Henry. I don't like being called Henry."'Tough shit. You are still a bastard." Maybe, but this bastard will see to it that you get to stay on the cheerleading squad and every game I go to I'll see you there and know that you wouldn't be there if it wasn't for me and you know. Ever since I’d popped to the restroom, she’d totally ignored me, more preoccupied with her new beau – her old beau. And then to cap it all, not content with flirting and making out in front of all our neighbors, they’d snuck upstairs for a secret fuck. Jill unable to keep her hands off her old boyfriend – even though I was letting them spend time together when I was in L.A.Just as with the night of Luther’s brainwave of the Jill and Dave cuckold website, I’d had enough. Even I had reached my limit. I thought about storming in there and confronting them, but then I thought ‘screw them’. I wasn’t going to embarrass or demean myself any more than they’d already done by their actions. There was a woman on the other side of town who’d be only too pleased to see me.I walked back to our house, packed a suitcase, and got an Uber over to Veronica’s. Veronica was happy to see me, albeit also a little concerned by the circumstances and by my mood as when Haley was safely asleep, I ranted and.
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