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I looked down just as she pulled away, letting a long string of saliva stretch between the tip of her tongue and my cock as she looked up at me. Looking down at her I said, I thought you said a quickie ?. Thats up to you she said with a smile and with that I gently placed my hands on each side of her head and she took me in again with the same deep slow motion although this time she kept me in her warm wet mouth and slowly worked my throbbing tool.In a whisper I said OHHHH SIS, SUCK MY COCK BABY as I held her head tighter trying to force my cock deeper into her mouth with each desent she made. She reached down tickling my balls, I didn't want it to end but I needed to cum so bad already. I was breathing hard now, holding the muscles tight to keep from releasing, savoring the pleasure my young sister was giving me. I felt a little pre-cum spray from my cock, then she sucked harder and I had to give up, I"M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING OHHHHHHHH, she pulled back keeping her lips firmly wrapped. When the woman refused him, he beat her. He beat her so severely that she died a few days later. He had recently started serving a life sentence in prison.I first met Donna when she walked into my office looking for a job. Being a typical male, the first thing I noticed was her looks. She was 24-years-old, about 5'5", weighed 110 to 120 pounds, and had a nice set of pointed breasts. Her curly, shoulder length, brunette, hair loosely fell around her face and over her shoulders. Her eyes, oh those eyes, were hypnotic. They were the deepest blue I had ever seen.Donna broke my spell when she said. "I'll do anything. I really need this job." She explained that she was broke and needed groceries. She said she was also about to be evicted from her house. She was desperate.How could I refuse her? Being something of a soft touch for a sad story, I hired her on the spot. I even advanced her a few hundred dollars to help her get by.The advance turned out to be a good investment. Donna was a.
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