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As she was sliding my thick shaft in and out of her mouth i was constantly scanning the carpark to check we werent being watched, the thrill was so intense, as got close to cumming i told her to stop as i was looking forward to fooling around in the cinema, with that we straightened ourselves up and went inside ...Once we entered the cinema there were a few people s**tterd around so we found the quietest spot we could and got comfortable. The trailers seemed to go on for ages but as soon as they were over and the lights went out we got back down to business, i eased one of her massive tits out of her dress and groped at it while kissed, slightly squeezing her big nipples between my fingers (i have a real thing for big nipples lol) then i moved my hand back down between her legs and lightly flicked my finger along her soaking pussy lips and teased the absolute fuck out of her clit, she was writhing in her seat and i was impressed with how quiet we were both able to be. Suddenly she. I don’t even think parents or siblings are allowed contact in witness protection, but maybe I watch too much TV and there are exceptions.”“When will we find out?”“Wendy will likely find out probably in the next couple of days.”Twenty-minutes later the Cessna Citation X touched down at Circle Airport. The weather was ideal and there was a gentle headwind to facilitate the landing. After parking the plane, the four took some golf carts that had been left for them up to the Circle.At her request, Dave accompanied Wendy to her home two doors away from his house on Circle Drive. When she opened the door, there was a man standing in the living room with his gun drawn. He ordered, “Who are you?”Wendy said, “Excuse me, I live here. I’m Wendy Connor. This is my neighbor, David Prentiss, and what the hell are you doing in my home.”The man holstered his weapon. He said firmly, “I am Morris Merman, a U.S. Marshall.” He brought out official looking government identification with a badge.
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