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After a few moments of setting himself free of his underwear and zipper, he motioned my hand onto his penis - WOW! that felt enormous, warm, and wonderful! I moved my hand naturally up and down the central part of his shaft, just able to wrap my fingers around it. I could feel the head on the sides of my finger and thumb as my motion reached the top, and the top of the sack of his balls with the side of my little finger as my motion reached the bottom. He moaned gently, whilst still kissing me.Still his penis grew, until my hand could not quite reach all the way around his shaft. I looked down and gasped at the sight I saw in my hand - it was quite breathtaking seeing a large purple headed penis pointing at me, with my hand wrapped around it.This gaze down and gasp resulted in Grandpa removing his fingers from my now, literally, dripping wet pussy, and placing both hands on my shoulders, with a gentle downwards pressure.I guess I knew what he wanted, after hearing my friends talk. He told me that he was a business associate of Cheryl, the chick in question. She owed him some dough and when he confronted her about it, she got all hostile and shit. I looked at Cheryl. Damn, this bitch was ugly. Five feet three inches tall, with big tits and a thick body. Normally, I like thick women but this one was ugly in the face. Also, she had a foul mouth and even fouler disposition. I didn’t have much use for her. I don’t have much use for most women actually. They’re completely useless for the most part. Getting by not with intelligence but with a ham-it-up pseudo-mystery slash functional insanity behind which lies a cold mind with a talent for manipulation and deception. They see their word as law and anyone who disagrees with them deserves to be tarred and feathered. What a crock! Well, thankfully, I am a man who sees the truth and thinks not with his dick but with his mind. Men who think with their dicks are doomed. There is a certain British millionaire and.
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