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.. little k** ... and all right ... everything would be all right ...Lynn slept, unthinking, as the Vera plowed her way to the east and Nassau.Chapter 2 Harry Johnson watched as the voluptuous Lynn Shaffer lifted her knee; he swallowed hard as she spread her lusciously inviting legs and rearranged herself on the towel, and wondered what it was going to be like to fuck her hot little pussy. The yacht had been at sea a day and a half, and he hadn't gotten to her yet.Damn, he thought to himself, she's tougher than most, but she's going to be worth it. Harry took his eyes momentarily off the young woman's curvaceously reclining body, and turned to check the compass bearing."Take her a few more degrees south, Hans, and hold her steady," he said.Hans Piemmel started. "Yes sir," he said quickly, and swung the big wheel of the Vera until the compass needle was resting precisely on a southwest bearing.Harry looked at his captain, at his huge frame and his powerful arms resting lightly on the. Everyone who looks at you will see the sheen of my juices on your face, and if they get close enough to you, they will smell me on your breath and on your face."Nina knelt up straighter. "I will carry your mark with pride, Mistress. Everyone will know that I serve you." Meet me in the massage room. Get your shorts off, and get on the table, on your back. I'll be back in a minute."Nina wasn't quite sure what was happening, but knew that it was best to obey, and not question. Gretchen left the locker room heading for the workout area, and Nina went to the massage room, following Gretchen's orders. She climbed up and spread her legs wide, waiting.Gretchen came in a moment later, and stood between Nina's spread legs. She stared at Nina's wet pussy, licking her lips. "I wouldn't mind carrying the mark of that on my face for a while," she said under her breath. After a moment, she shook her head, clearing the thought, and looked at Nina."I think it's time that you got more familiar with.
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