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Always the intellectual, I was labeled “geeky bookworm” at an early age. Wearing glasses by the fourth grade only served to substantiate that label.I had been gifted or cursed, depending on how you looked at it, with a keen awareness of others’ feelings. But, even the most blissfully ignorant would have seen my peers didn’t understand me. Feeling their disconnect resulted in me withdrawing further into my shell. I didn’t know how to engage or relate to the other kids my age. I didn’t enjoy the usual lunch table chit-chat or gossip. What was the point of it? So, I sought refuge within myself, becoming deeply introverted and introspective. However, something inside me craved an intimate connection with another – a kindred spirit.I was also a romantic at heart with a huge fantasy life. I didn’t realize until later the significance of my fantasies always containing older men. Despite my other differences, I felt the same sexual awakenings and urges as my peers. My shyness hindered my. Once she was in deep sleep, I gently placed my hand on her thighs and moved gently upwards with my hand. She does not respond to the feeling, so I proceeded down to her cunt. When I got to her pussy, I felt her leggings were ripped at her cunt. So I touched her soft pussy lips right on, this made me so horny and crazy that I could almost cry out. She has still not responded, and Im going slow with 3 fingers along her pussy, I play with her clitoris and to my surprise she was also shaved! I thought I was dreaming, my heart went rampage until I felt it all the way down my throat. My hand was totally immersed with pussy juice, it looked quite tasty, that I instantly put out all 3 fingers in my mouth and licked everything off it. I had her so wet that even the juice from her pussy started to leak out. I wanted so badly to cum on her pussy, but I was afraid that she would wake up. So am I quickly ran to the bathroom and pulled out my rock hard cock, I have slowly started to pull off with.
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