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I finally look at my phone and see I have half a dozen messages. I listen to them but am confused since they all are asking where I am and worrying because I hadn't answered my phone all day. I look at the date and realize that I have slept for nearly a day and a half.I grab my camera, scope, and compass and run out on to the deck to check on the tree, but when I look, it is gone. Looking down on the grass, I see several large clumps of dirt and dried leaves that go from the edge of my property to just below my deck. As I look at the deck, it is covered with pine needles. Running back inside, I quickly dress, put on my hiking boots, and grab my phone. I head to the ravine and make my way back to the GPS location I had marked. When I arrive, there is no sign of the tree, just a large empty space.No sign the tree had fallen or was cut down and hauled off. No indication the tree ever even existed. I search the area but do not see any sign of it. I get back to the house and check my. The ruler swept an arc, and hit his cock likea guided missile. She hit directly in the middle of his hard shaft. The painwas unlike anything he had felt before. He wanted to curl up into a ball, toprotect his cock, but strong hands held him in place. She hit him asecond time. Slightly higher up the shaft, the pain was no less. More hits.Scott was in agony. No boy should have to endure such punishment to thecock. 11 From the side ofthe field, Alina was watching Scott?s final punishment on the big screen.She knew that it was her paddling that caused him to become hard. And, eventhough it was not her fault, she couldn?t help feeling a little guilty. Scott had taken nineruler strokes to his manhood. The girl hitting him had deliveredthem all up and down his shaft. For the final stroke she took a careful aim, andsmashed the ruler down onto his cockhead. For Scott thisblow to the most sensitive part of his most sensitive part was a torment toomuch. Like the cheerleaders he too burst.
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