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She made a dive for Suzy and they just fell into each other's arms and kissed and kissed. The other's watched and Sonia clapped her hands. Then hands and lips and arms and legs were everywhere. Unbuttoning, unzipping, pulling down and pulling up even tearing. On a mountain of cushions on the soft carpet, the four made one of themselves.Lips found other lips, tongues found crevices and creases and fingers made it all possible. Opening, spreading, inhaling... there were no winners or losers in this sexual maelstrom. The older woman's breasts were full and luscious and Sonia and Suzy feasted on them. Fenne was content with Suzy's little bottom and alternated between slaps and caresses. She delighted in prising open her firm buttocks and glimpsing the shadowy opening. Then her tongue could hold back no longer and Henne, making her tongue all pointy, broke through into that bitter tasting but fragrant world. As Henne's lips closed over the hot opening, she felt Suzy's fingers silide on. Make me cum, baby." He did. Not that I saw any of it- lay on the dirty carpet, bleeding out- but that rat bastard fucked the ever loving shit out of her. Gripping her kitten heels he punished that dirty cunt and moments later she came all over his cock. Her inner pussy muscles gripping his spurting shaft as he filled her with cum. Gasping, she lay back and he slipped his cock out, his cum leaking from her pussy. She rolled over and lit a cigarette. She drew deeply on it and blew smoke to the ceiling. "Is he dead?" she said, looking to my prone body. "He's dead, doll," Mason replied, tucking his cock back into his trousers. "Make sure," Dolores said. "Make sure he's dead, Jimmy." "Fuck's sake, doll he's gone," replied Mason, taking the cigarette from her long fingers, taking a drag. "He's dead as Dillinger." "Make sure," she said. "Shoot him in the head." Mason got the thirty-eight, levelled it at my body, shielded his face with his other hand and shot me in the forehead. "Now come.
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