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My heart thumpped into my throat and i wanted to die of heart failure, shes so beautiful. she is about 5 inches shorter than me im about 510 so ya im short too i guess and i weigh about 300 pounds, like i even have a chance. now she is not that ski ny either but shes also not fat, if i had to guess i would say she weighs about 130 pounds if that, with light brown hair, a voice of golden harps, and a smile of a godess vampire. (sorry forgot to mention im kinda a goth kid inside the big fat hillbilly redneck) infact the o ly thing that keeps me from being goth is me being fat and being a country boy. i hate the city and everything to do with it. anyways ba k to the story… ya so courtney is this hot piece of chubb ass that is to die for, but she is so conservative about showing ANYTHING, npw i understand that its winter and uts like 30 degrees ou right now, but seriously during the summer its like 75 and she still wears longer shorts and a tee shirt at the least! i wear jeans or. I have some more to do, but I have enough boxes.’ ‘That’s what they all say, he laughed, ‘I’ll bring some with me. How does eight o’clock sound? It’s going to be a scorcher, tomorrow.’ ‘Mike, I don’t know how I can thank you.’ ‘Sure you do, you can buy me a pizza!’ I’ve should have seen that one coming. * * * * * Don Lynch reached for the little glass pipe on the nightstand. He took a hit and blew a small plume of smoke into the hotel room. He offered her the pipe, but she brushed it away and lit a cigarette. ‘Blackwell’s pissed, she said, ‘He says that now we have to start all over. He says that he’ll have to find another pigeon.’ ‘So, how is that my problem? I have no control over what goes on at the company. Let him find his own pigeon.’ ‘True, but he wants you to take care of Penny. As long as she works for the company, she poses a problem. He says the gospel singer is a formidable enemy, and he doesn’t need another.’ ‘So, what am I supposed to do, whack her? Do you think I’m in.
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