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“I’ll just be a minute. I need to use your bathroom.” Tickled at his incredible luck, Marty was all smiles as he opened the bottle of wine he had selected. This woman was nothing short of beautiful and as best he could see, she had a ‘killer’ body. And now, here they were in the privacy of his new apartment. “I just knew this place would be worth the money,” he thought to himself. As he was filling the second glass, Carla walked back into the kitchen and Marty almost stopped breathing. She had taken off her dress and put on one of his dress shirts that had been hanging in his closet. Due to the size of his shirt and the smallness of her petite body, the shirt tail hung down past her knees. She had rolled up the sleeves to her elbows. Only three buttons on the shirt were buttoned revealing that she was not wearing a bra. “I hope you don’t mind that I made myself comfortable,” she said as she reached for a glass of wine. “Not at all,” he stammered. “Please make yourself at home.” Carla. "Can I come in Den?"Still more crying, and then a weak voice said, "OK." What's going on here Baby? You know I'm here for you, so please tell me what it is?"Between the heaving sobs, she started to talk. "All... everyone kept... sayin' how they... were sorry... and missed... Leah... and... Jerry... and I tried... to be strong... but then there... were all those... posters... all over the... place..." What posters?" Freddie asked. Then it hit him, and it hit him as hard as it had hit his sister. Valentines Day. It was only a few days away, and it was their first Valentines Day without Jerry and Leah. They both lay on her bed, crying their hearts out, holding each other tightly until they cried themselves to sleep.Their mother tried to get them to come to dinner, but finally gave up, and locked herself in her bedroom, and she too, cried herself to sleep.They got up the next day, and after talking to each other about what they were going to do, they decided that to the memory of their.
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