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I found a pot of water warming on the woodstove and used it to freshen up. My hair was a wild tangle and I didn’t dare venture upstairs to find a comb, so I sat on the floor by the fireplace and used my fingers to make the best of it. The music continued on, pouring from note to note, song to song, for longer than I thought possible. I should have gone upstairs, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I didn’t want to give Nate the chance to turn me away. I was afraid of what I’d see on his face, afraid of what he’d say. It took me a while to notice another noise under the ebb and flow of the piano. It began as a gentle rumble and increased in volume until it almost competed with Nate’s playing. Curious, I rose and rushed to the window. The sun off the snow shined so bright it took me a moment to make out the sight of a white pickup truck, with a plough attachment on the front of it, making its way down the road towards the house. It approached at a snail’s pace, pushing away the wet,. “What business are you in?” she asked, continuing to dig. “Real Estate,” her mother said, “You know how I’m always looking for cheap property.” “What areas do you specialize in?” Vanessa was relentless. “Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Pacific Palisades, even Palos Verdes, where ever the money is.” He responded, winking at her mother. “And what is it that you do?” he asked, confident that he had passed her test. “I’m a writer, romance stuff mostly, but I do a little erotica now and then,” she said, teasing her mother. “Erotica. Sounds interesting, I would like to read some of your work some time,” said Mark. “If you are serious you can read some now, I have a file in the limo with a few of my stories.” “It would be my pleasure.” He responded, and they headed for the door. Vanessa’s mother had an unpleasant look on her face as they left. When they got to the limo the driver was not there, but the doors were unlocked. They got in the back and Vanessa began rummaging.
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