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We were married at 20 because you were coming along. She left when you were 13 but she was unfaithful to me for many years before that.“She always believed she missed out on a part of her life by being with one partner when she should have been playing the field. I was scared that someday you’ll find out what I found out when you were six or seven years old. I worried that someday one of you would have to explain to your children that their mother or their father had run off without so much as a word. I worried that someday one of you would come to look at your spouse and your children as a burden. That was the word she used in the note she left. We were a burden to her that she no longer wanted to carry.“I’m not saying that Lisa is like that and I’m not saying you are. I didn’t think your mother was that way either. I hope that you two have more than I did. I hope that you’re more mature and better prepared for this step than we were. It could have been any girl in the world, Scott,. I guess I was not listening or hadn’t read the details of the Air Force contract. I was under the impression that they were to be a year apart, not a few months. They were holding up their end of the contract with paying flights almost weekly so I guess I should not complain. It was just more of the reams of paper and meetings anytime one had contracts with the government.The final meeting was with Andy and Bill and the four Mossad ladies. We were part of the last group going to Polokwane. We spent an hour going over various plans for the Prince and the disguises we would need. The final plan would depend on all the pieces coming together and had to be made with just hours to spare. Any pieces coming up short or failing would spell disaster.The girls and I spent two hours in the gym and I needed it. Then I spent family time with the boys, finally giving them baths and bed. After they were asleep it was family time in the living room holding, touching and talking.We could have gone to.
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