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Smruti was standing behind the sofa and watching everything. I came behind smruti and touched her on her arse. She smiled and bent down to see how amit was feeling from the back of the sofa. I immediately sat down on the floor so that amit could not see me and inserted my hand inside smruti’s sari from the bottom and started feeling her soft legs. She opened her legs in response and bent some more forward so that i could touch her clean-shaven pussy from behind. Now i did the most daring things of all. I raised her petticoat and sari and inserted my face right inside them. The smell of her cunt was making me mad and i wanted to eat it all.After a while i stood up and she asked me to help her taking amit to the bedroom, which i did. I went outside the bedroom and waited for her to come out. My tool was throbbing by this time. She came out and i hugged her and touched my bulge on her body. She told me to wait until she had confirmed that her husband was deep asleep and went inside the. ” “Good.” The door to the apartment was only half-closed when she grabbed Freddie and kissed him hard, pressing her body against his and unceremoniously slamming the door shut from the force of their bodies pushing against it. Lucia could not remember feeling such passion and lust for a man before. He was everything she ever dreamed about, everything she ever fantasized about; it was like someone snuck into her fantasies and created a man in that image. Even though she hardly knew him, Lucia wanted to be with Freddie, wanted to lie naked with him on his bed, wanted to feel their soft skin rubbing against one another. Lucia could sense that Freddie wanted the same thing. He kissed her with equal passion, pausing for a quick breath before diving back in once again. Lucia gasped as his lips slid down to the nape of her neck, then gently kissed the tops of her breasts. The exposed skin was already red from the excitement. The couple moved over to the couch in the living room. Lucia.
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