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We were low middle class family and shared a single bedroom house in north chennai. We were quite poor to afford dresses though by gods grace food was on table. This is wierd but true as i My underwear used to go missing at times. Much later i knew the true reason. One day morning after bath my underwear was missing. i was furious and was rummaging the draws. I asked if anyone knew it and all including my widowed mother and sister were quiet.I left for school without it. I suspected that my sister was using it. I thought so because she had that wicked smile which i see on her usually during our sibling rivalry moments. So i hid behind the door and true enough she came in to change after school. The moment she dropped her skirt and i saw it i jumped from behind and confronted her. She was furious and refused to give it to me. I was equally mad and told her that i will take it by myself.she dared me and I took the bait.I lunged on her and tried to pull it down while she held it. As I told him what I found on the computer while he was home he asked me to show him the file and as I took him up to the bedroom my pussy was already dripping wet i stripped naked as we went up! I turned on the computer and showed him the pictures and with each one I showed him I could see him getting aroused watching me get so turned on looking at them again! As I showed him the pictures I told him what I imagined happening to me last time I was looking at the pics and he role played my son...he called me mommy as he sucked and chewed on my nipples and fingered my throbbing wet pussy as I sucked his massive cock deep in my throat...I sucked and stroked his cock so hard just picturing it was my son to the point where he almost came...I stopped him and said no! This is what he did next to his mommy as I bent over the chair and spread my ass cheeks apart and guided his cock to my puckered hole...he poked it into my ass as i screamed my sons name out and made him call me mommy deep in.
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