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.. Sam loves ham. She absolutely adores it. The smell, the taste, the texture... the flavor. It all forms this obsession she has."Carly, do we have any ham?" Sam asks, sticking her head in the fridge.I admired her ass in the air, wiggling suggestively. It reminded me of last night. We almost had sex. But Sam's ham craving got in the way and we stopped before it could get too far. So here I am, hot and horny and staring at a girl's ass."Check the fridge," I reply, leaning against the kitchen counter."Nah. You don't have any. I wonder if Benson does?"Fat chance. His mother despises anything high in sodium, fat, sugar, oil, calories - I often wonder how Freddie can even survive sometimes."I know he doesn't." I say, quickly."Yeah, you're right."We both sigh simultaneously.She looks at me and suddenly I'm up on the counter, spreading out my legs and motioning for her to come closer to me. The blonde licks her lips a little and walks to where I'm sitting."What is it, Carls?"I whisper: "Eat. ‘It’ll probably come back to where it gets fed.’ ‘But I worry about it getting EATEN. There are foxes and even coyotes reported around here. Those things get really hungry and fat pussies are probably delicious.’ The other foot joined the first one, but Jean had shifted so that her legs were pointed to the side. She paused in thought. Suddenly, she swung around so that a foot was on each side of the seat. With her knees apart, I could see up to her belly button. ‘Would you worry about it being EATEN?’ ‘Well, I, uh, uh, I,’ I focused on her face and tried to sound coherent. Finally, I recovered. ‘Of course I’d worry about it being eaten. I have tasted cat before and I’d have to say that it is one of the finest tasting dishes I’ve ever been served.’ ‘Oh, my,’ she fanned herself in Miss Pittypat style. ‘Well, I haven’t tasted cat, but I worry about it being eaten properly. Do you know how to eat it properly?’ ‘I have it directly from the cat’s mouth as it were. I was told that I could.
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