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I knew my pecker was in for another day of adventure. Just watching her eat her breakfast banana filled me with lustful thoughts.Megan dressed for the day in her Daisy Dukes, which showed off her long slender thighs, and a skimpy buttoned top that left a gap at her midriff and offered glimpses of the tops of her small perky breasts, enough to show that she was not wearing a bra. After the rents left for work, she put in one of her navel rings, which twinkled in the center of her milky-white flat stomach so that I couldn’t take my eyes off it as she strutted around the house.Caitlin and her brother Sean came over again, dressed in tight jeans and t-shirts. Caitlin’s jeans showed off her slender hips and muscular little legs and ass, and the t-shirt was tight enough to make her magnificent boobs stretch it taut. I could see her blue eyes sparkling with mischief through her nerdy glasses. She was carrying a backpack, and I wondered what surprises she had in it.Cait trotted over to me. You were right to treat us as you did." Yes, Sir, Amanda added. "It was deserved."I was pleasantly surprised by their response. I had half expected their confinement to inflame them rather than to calm them but perhaps Aristides was correct in suggesting that their anger was merely a form of reflected sexual orgasm and that once expressed, calm returned."Well, I am pleased that you see that you were treated justly. Let us draw a line under the behaviour of yesterday and turn instead to the challenges of today. Please sit." I waved to two chairs. The girls looked at one another, surprised by my offer."When you are married, I am sure that there will be occasions when you are in the wrong or when you believe your husband is in the wrong but that, for the sake of household harmony, you choose to place yourself there. That is exactly how you should approach it. Congratulations."The girls smiled. It is my experience that approval, appropriately delivered, when earned, is as powerful a.
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