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Six years after the attack, that opportunity finally came.One of the smaller towns Sindarion attacked had been hosting a group of traveling paladins, who took an unexpected stand against the invaders. In the chaos, you managed to infiltrate the demons’ camp and confront the man that robbed you of your innocence. Though your righteous anger led you to defeat him, it was not enough for you to prevent his escape. Your nemesis disappeared for the next three years...before resurfacing with a vengeance just a few months ago.So here you are, at the very top of the ancient, forgotten tower Sindarion has claimed as his newest lair. A blanket of ashen clouds hangs menacingly above you, streaked with ribbons of grey snow from the storm stretching endlessly in every direction. You had braved countless demons, a magical labyrinth and Sindarion’s pet dragon to get this far. Now all that remains is your greatest enemy himself.“I’ve been waiting a very long time for this, Sindarion.” you whisper.. " I was thinking of a yellow leotard for the recital, more springtimecolors, what do you think?" She's asking me? Like how should I know? Five more minutes and Mother isgoing to walk through that door. "Yes, yellow is a springtime color, andI'm sure the girls would look pretty in yellow," I said, just makingsmall talk. I know the girls were listening. I'm telling Miss Johnsonthat I think that yellow leotards are a good choice because they're aspringtime color. And yes, the girls will look pretty in yellow. I wonderwhat colors the wrap-around skirts are going to be. What am I thinkingabout that for when I've got to come up with an excuse as to why I waslooking at the ballerinas in Miss Johnson's dance school window? Tammy is angry and embarrassed, I can tell. She's giving me dirty looksand told me she'd take care of me when we got home. As if I were going tolive long enough. Mother is going to be furious. I don't know how she'sgoing to punish me this time. Last time I embarrassed her;.
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