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You mean it?" ...Yeah." She on the pill?"I nodded, she was on it, but at that instant, I didn't care.He stepped back and pulled the sweatshirt and his tee off together, dropping them to the floor, undoing the belt and zipper on the jeans hurriedly, shoving them down his legs as he pried his way out of his sneakers without untying them...looked at me and slipped off the striped boxers, his cock hard and jutting upward. He stroked it, caressing the balls as he stepped in front of Kate's prone, unmoving body."Come on, baby," he hissed, hiking her legs up and in a sharp movement jerking her down till her pelvis rested on the chairs edge, her dress scrunched up under her waist. He hefted her right leg atop his shoulder and then, meeting my eyes, extended her left leg toward me, white sneakered foot, anklet sock with a pom-pom at the heel...her pink panties dangling still. "Hold it for me, out wide like this," he went on, spreading it wide, nodding to me.I raised my hand and gripped my. First part of the plan, and Sa' Indie could hardly believe it, is basically on earth there are people who are into just about every thing imaginable. Second we arranged with my namesake (I'm glad I carry her name now, cause, she is so, 'you know') to run a "placement service" sort of like an adoption agency for adults. She checks out prospective "Mentors" to make sure that they don't order someone just looking for love and wind up with a dominatrix, don't get me wrong some folks like that stuff, so if a dominatrix wants a submissive we'll be more than happy to supply one, just no surprises!Now is when the final shoe falls. This story is posted on the Internetto induce recruitment. Basically to let the adventurous and the true transsexual want-to-bees (were talking all the way, periods, cramps babies, the works, and none of this primitive butchery surgery stuff! Yes the 'worm' is real). This is 100% sit down to pee stuff! And you better be sure cause you'll be stuck that way for 3,000.
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