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Each time Patrollers came on the scene, the demonstrators vanished to reappear elsewhere. The police wouldn’t have had that problem. They had had many years of controlling and corralling riots and demonstrations to come up with appropriate strategies to counter whatever a riot might try. The Patrollers however didn’t have that knowledge, so they floundered, looking more and more incompetent and clownish after each failed attempt.By the end of the month, the riots were still happening every evening, and during the day everyone would try and clear up the mess after the previous evening. Many people blamed Thorn and his government, but not all. If there had been an opinion poll, Thorn would still have got twenty something percent of the vote, but that’s all. Of course the government wasn’t going to allow anything like an opinion poll.Thorn was under siege and he knew it, yet he still believed that he would win. If he could just capture Queen Beatrice, he believed he would take out the. Brand snarled at WindWhispers "she will always be with me, it doesn't look like time has treated you all that well, you look like you've been rode hard and put away wet WindWhispers." Chad and Kim turned staring at their father, they had never heard him talk in that tone of voice or with such hostility towards another person.Natalie was very disturbed, she could feel the eyes of the fairy drawing in the twins especially Chad, putting on a pleasant smile she stepped forward "Chad, Kim why don't you go see if Hank is still involved, you might mention it's almost dinner time that should catch his attention." Giving the two who stood transfixed a mental shove, she turned to the fairy "I don't believe we've met." Natalie felt the amber eye's turn to her and chuckled to herself, she wasn't as easily swayed as the twins, turning the mental probe back upon itself she watched WindWhisper start for just a flicker of a second in surprise.WindWhisper hovered in front of Natalie's face "We meet.
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