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I had heard about blowjobs before but I never thought that girls really did it. I didn’t pee but I started to cum. Some went in Amanda’s mouth but the rest got on my worm.Neither of us caught a fish so eventually we asked Amanda what the problem was. She told us that apparently it was just her. As a little girl she found out quite by accident that if she masturbated just before going fishing, peed on her worm, and them rubbed it on her clit that she could catch a fish every time.We had run out of time for the day but we thanked her, made a date for the next day, and took our fish home to our mothers to cook.Sure enough the next day Amanda was waiting for us to arrive. That day she was wearing a bikini that our mother’s wouldn’t be caught dead in. It hardly covered anything. Amanda said that there wasn’t anything left to hide from us. Then we told her that we hadn’t seen her nipples yet. She laughed and took her top off then asked us if we were happy then. We sure were.Amanda told us. ‘Your name baba,’ she pressed.‘Okay Mam,’ I said.The class started laughing hard at me. I was a fun loving guy being the entertaining star of the class. But little did I know that I was to be a joke later on.‘Oh my,’ she said laughing.‘Saurav mam, my name’s Saurav.’I didn’t know what to say. She was so sexy. I wanted to look at her all the time. Oh, God! The class was still laughing. All my prettiest looking classmates had set their eyes on me, the last bencher. Shruthi mam continued, ‘What are your hobbies?’‘Ah. Well, I do stuff. I mean to play and many things.’‘Haha, you seem to be distracted. Sit down,’ she said smilingly.My fucking classmates laughed again. After some 5 minutes of her pep talk, the bell rang and the class got dismissed. When I left the class, many girls turned and smiled at me. I felt so awkward man. One of my friends said ‘Bro, what shit did you do now?’Other guy added, ‘What drugs were you on man,’ adding people for the laugh.‘Nothing man, just some thinking.’‘I.
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