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The Barbie doll dominatrix was something to behold alright. But I didn’t know if I could go through her demanding regiment every day for the next year. To be honest, she scared me; especially after nearly choking me to death. But if you had to go out, she’d be the one I would want doing it I supposed.“Suck you tomorrow!” I called out, watching her open the door.“I got your suck!” she called back, waving her club at me, and went through the steel door.She was business as usual when she came back for the tray. It was like a switch turned off or something. She simply took it and left, not saying another word. I guess when you’re seeing inmates come and go all of the time, it’s probably better if the guard didn’t get too close. I could imagine the conversations they had between each other starting off with, do you remember inmate so-and-so doing this and that? And the other guard going, who?So, I thought it was best not to get sentimental over BDSM Barbie. She probably wouldn’t be. I had never in my wildest dreams imagined that watching a fellow female being whipped could excite me so much, but I was climaxing right along with Helen, something my son noticed with a wry smile. While the other boys released Helen from her bonds Victor signalled me to come to him, my heart started racing when I saw the cat in his hand."Stand with your back against the wall." He commanded me in a low voice.I moved to obey, shivering as the wood panelling of the wall touched my back, I knew what was coming and I was almost climaxing in anticipation."Take hold of the rings and spread your legs wide." Victor ordered.I did as instructed, stretching my legs as far apart as I could until I was holding myself up by my grasp of the rings above me. Smiling Victor ran the tails of the cat over my body raising goosebumps of excitement on my skin as they passed, I could feel myself trembling in anticipation of the moment he would flick the tails across my skin. Then his wrist seemed to give a.
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