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“I’ve always wanted to punish cheerleaders,” said Mimi as she landed the first blow on each ass in turn. “The ones in my high school were not very nice.” She continued until both girls’ butts were nice and red, then bent down to make sure they were hot as well. While she was there she slid a hand between each girl’s legs, and was pleased to find that they were wet and sticky down there.At Mimi’s behest Mia and Emily stood Lexi up, uncuffed her, and stretched her out face-up on the table. They tied her wrists and ankles to the table legs so she was spread-eagled as Mimi pulled up her top to expose her breasts and snapped on nipple clamps. Lexi whimpered softly as Mimi slid her fingernails up and down the girl’s soft inner thighs, then moaned helplessly as Mimi ran one finger between her pussy lips while simultaneously tugging on the nipple clamps.Mimi fed the wet finger to Mia, who sucked it clean then looked at Lexi’s crotch and back at Mimi as if to say “May I?” But Mimi wanted Lexi. Shame burns my cheeks. No. I can't think of that stuff now. Zander's behaving like too much of a gentleman. It isn't right--I close my eyes, where the sun limns his outline as he dozes, profile-perfect, supine and tranquil on the other half of my beach towel. Later, we share a fleece blanket and a kiss to warm us against the violet-skied chill as Quonnicut Light's beacon winks at the moon. Hold on. Am I having some sort of madonna-whore complex about this guy? Is it even possible for such a concept to have a male equivalent? And if so, what on earth would you call it?Does it matter when it's obvious he's already taken by this 'Darcy' at the other end of the boatyard phone? But a little fantasy never hurt anyone, did it?The daydream returns and covers the nuisance pop-up philosophy like a nesting goose. I raise my good Samaritan's shirt as if it were a cassock, taste the salty sacraments in the hollows of his chest with reverent nibbles, nuzzle the spring lawn an inch above the Holy.
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