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“Is too,” said Tah.Nianna waved at him to put his head forward so she could feel his lump. He dropped his head for her to feel it. Then he looked up as she felt her own again. She grinned at him, “Is not. You got big head.”They both had to laugh. Nianna snuggled into her mother’s arms. She yawned. “Book time,” she said.Tah got the message and cheerfully went to get a bottle for her, while Prue gently hugged her daughter. “Nia stinky, mummy.”Prue gently put her on the bed and changed her then happily hugged her again. Relieved that Nianna seemed no worse for the wear.As soon as Tah sat down on the bed beside Prue with the book and the bottle, Nianna immediately transferred to his lap. Prue felt a twinge of jealousy, but Nianna looked at her and smiled. She took her mother’s hand, dropped her feet in her lap, as she settled in Tah’s lap and accepted the bottle.Prue looked at Nianna, “Enjoy it while you can, Little Lady. When your brother and sister get here, they are going to oust. "Umm... Hello?" came the voice.Royally pissed, I picked up the phone. "What?" I grunted, taking care to hide most of my hostility."Umm... Mr. Shepard?" What is it?" I was quickly losing patience."I... I wasn't intruding on anything, was I?" The uncertainty and the fear were clearly audible. I could feel my anger fade away, replaced by guilt. Ahh, the miracles of PS Digital."No. Don't worry about it. It's just... just nothing. What is it, Miss Hamilton?" Well, the doctor told me that I would be discharged today... " Congratulations." I said, actually really meant it."Thanks. Anyways, both my parents are busy, and it's Charles's day off... "Charles? Who's Charles? "Charles?" Yes. Charles is our chauffeur."Damn, I was impressed. I had guessed that the Hamiltons were rich, judging by the fact that the mom didn't work. Chauffeurs were expensive to keep these days."... and I was wondering if you could maybe come by the hospital and take care of the discharge papers?"Well, seeing that the.
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