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“Let me set you up. Huh!” The camera shook, and then tilted, so I could see a curtain behind her. Not like a window curtain, but more like a green shower curtain.“Where are you?”“Oh, in my hospital bed, but don’t worry. They moved the other patient out today, so I have you all to myself.” Then, she reached back, and rose up. The dildo practically slapped her in the pubes, and she had to twist sideways, but I didn’t mind. It made her chest jiggle, and bounce, so that one nipple practically pointed right at me, and the other one was almost sideways. “Huh, hah!” She sank down a little, then slipped up, and down a little more. “Yeah, I love that big fat cock. Huh! Yeah, give me that big fat cock, huh!” She had to hold onto the base, but I couldn’t even see her knees, let alone the cast, and she cradled one tit in her arm. Picking up the other one to squeeze it, and feel her nipple.“Can you suck your own. What a legend!When we got back to the hotel Rob asked us to wait outside his room so he could confirm that Debbie was going to go through with this, he was having second thoughts, but I was confident I'd seen something in her and was not surprised that Rob was calling us in after a very short period of time. We all sheepishly shuffled into the room to find Debbie standing by the window with a smirk on her face. She then took control walking over to us and french kissing us each in turn finishing with Rob, who she asked him to confirm that he was a looser and was to sit this one out, he answered yes so she told him to strip naked and sit in the chair, but he was not to touch himself or cum unless she told him to. As Rob was undressing she came back over to us asking us to stand in a row by the bed. When Rob was sitting down Debbie proceeded to kiss an undress each of us ending up with all three of us naked sporting semi erect cocks. She then slowly undressed, first releasing her.
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