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Steady rhythm.Decent suction. Not great use of her tongue. Satisfactory, but nomore.She is, though, constantly raising her eyes to mine--seeking approval,or direction. I'm not going to tell her how to do her job. So I justsmile. I don't understand the inclinations of our membership. But Ifigure the sight of a willing large-eyed girl with your dick in hermouth is generally acceptable.I surrender to the moment. Which continues for quite awhile. Warmdribbles on my balls. Nice at first, but chillier wetness over time.Minutes tick by. Not unpleasantly. My complacency doesn't help. Icould, of course, hold her head and jackhammer. But that wouldn't bevery professional.My stiffness flags. But whenever I look down upon those seeking eyes,my erection revives. Eventually, we arrive at the pleasantlypredictable outcome. Christina neither plays the innocent by lookingfor a tissue in which to deposit my sperm. Nor does she seek furtherapproval with the disgusting porn-influenced. " She whispered. After a while she gently stopped me. She lowered her head and kissed me fully on the lips. Our mouths opened and our tongues sent messages of wanting and permission to have.She sat up. "Hey." What?" I asked."I think it's your turn for a backrub." Her eyes gleamed with mischief.She pushed me onto my back and pulled the sheet down below my belly button. My erection made a mound in the sheet as she reached over and began the tickle. It felt great. There's nothing better than a body rub - except a body rub first thing in the morning.Soon, I was purring contentedly whenever she'd touch a sensitive spot. She did my chest, my nipples, my arms, my neck, my face, lips, sides and finally, my belly. "Oooh." I whispered as she slid her fingers beneath the sheet, then slid them sideways back and forth, close enough for her fingertips to touch the fringes of my pubic hair. She'd borrowed all my best tricks. And she never got around to doing my back.My penis was still pushing upward.
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