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It's not that I don't love you because I do. It's not that I deceive you. I give you the reflection of yourself that you want. You are the man you want to be, inducing my ragged breath, lying in my soaked sheets. Then other times you are the man you actually are, when you shake and lose your cool. When the closeness registers in your eyes and I know that you finally feel what you've longed for. You feel what is secretly inside your heart, inexpressible for so long. I don't lie to you, I grasp every ecstatic moment you give to me and feel it in total honesty. It's an honesty that alarms you and wakes your neighbours. You don't want me for my beauty, though I could be called beautiful. I'm not in your bed because I am the kindest, smartest or funniest woman you could have, though I put the fear of God in a few women you know. You make love to me because I know who you are. When I cum, you glow; all the greatest things about you are set alight in the mirror. You could say that I'm just. I can see why you hold it so dearly, I reassured her. I began to take my pillow and sheets and placed it onto her bed. What are you doing? Im making your bed more comfortable. Id offer for you to sleep on my bed instead, but you seem to prefer the aero-bed more. Then I heard the door opening and I began to make my way outside the house. I started picking up boxes and moving them in the house and into my fathers room or living room depending on what was written on the boxes. It was about to be 5 o clock soon and I wanted to enjoy what was left of the daylight before dinner so I began to head out for my usual hill once again. I didnt bother telling my father nor ask him for a ride there because hed probably be too busy with Mari. As I began putting on my shoes, I saw Ray behind me doing the same. What are you doing? I questioned her. What does it look like? Im going to tag along with you if you dont mind&hellip, Oh, I said. So we began walking and we talked for a long while. We.
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