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I just had to clarify, which would drive him mad. "Erm. You want me to tell you what happens and what I feel when I have an overpowering need to be fucked by someone I don't know?" He just nodded. I closed my eyes and embraced the sensation."I get a bit dizzy first of all, I know that it's happening because I can't focus on anything. It's worse when there isn't anyone readily available to satisfy my needs and I have to try my best to do it myself. I begin by stripping down to my underwear and caress the top of my legs, just next to my pussy. I know I am wet, I don't need to touch it just yet, where's the fun in that? I then move my left hand up over my body, over the top of my pussy where it is as soft as silk and over my tummy, all the way up until I land on my right boob. I just cup it for a moment, enjoying the dizziness and my pulsing cunt. "Whilst I am saying this. He has undone his suit trousers and his handsome cock is desperate to fuck my tight pussy, I can almost see it. It was fully nine or ten inches long in its current semi-erect state and nice and thick, too, with well-defined veins accentuating its length. My eyes must have bulged out at the sight. And since I was already on my knees, Roger just boldly walked up to me. Needless to say, I quickly gobbled the magnificent member from sight. I knelt there, sucking and enjoying the feel of a good, hard dick in my mouth, moaning with pleasure. It was magnificent!But Roger broke it off after a bit. Damn. But, after all, it was Clyde that Roger had called and not me. And it was Clyde's house, after all. Roger lay down on the rug beside me and Clyde knelt beside him. Then, it was Clyde's turn on that magnificent piece of man-meat.After a while, Roger rolled up onto his side and Clyde lay down beside him, still sucking away. Roger reached behind himself to me and began to pull me up behind him. His hand found my still-erect dick and he pulled me toward him, guiding my dick toward his ass.That was all the.
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