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Less than a 100 feet away were girls in bikinis. I masturbated in that guard house probably 5 times on that 4 hour watch. It was a wonderful release after 7 weeks in boot camp. After the military I was in a position to explore other aspects of my sexuality. I had bought my girl a couple of small dildos. I have had a diverse sex life and I would use these on my self as I masturbated thinking about getting fucked and sucking cock. One day I was masturbating and I came across a video of these 2 girls masturbating outside in thigh high stocking. It was so beautiful and erotic. It reminded me of my naked outdoor masturbating sessions but the stocking added extra sexiness. I ordered several pairs of thigh highs for myself. I had scouted two spots for my occasional outdoor masturbations activities. One is in a forest preserve and the other is on a beach near my house (night-time only). When I got my thigh highs I threw them in my back pack with several other goodies and headed to the forest. You any good at sucking cock then ? he asked with the dirtiest smirk i have ever seen I nodded silently, ashamed but a bit exited as well. His hand went to my head and pushed me to my knees Unzip me he said. He hadn’t washed and smelt like he had just had a piss, but he didn’t care. I closed my eyes and put it in my mouth. He lay back on his desk and proceeded to fuck my face, the more i gagged the more he liked it. After what seemed like an hour he pulled it out and told me to stand up. His hand went to my skirt and he turned me round so i was now bending over his desk. I felt his old hands lifting my skirt up and then his fingers pushing my knickers inside me. He opened my bum cheeks up and put his finger in it, he pulled it out spat on it and then pushed it in hard. Stay there he ordered and i heard a top being taken off a bottle i looked round and he was taking off a cap of smooth silk lube. His middle finger went up my snatch and he started to finger me, his other finger was.
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