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And she knew black cocks. She dropped to her knees, grabbed it jerking it a couple times working the skin of his shaft, then brought it to her mouth. She took the head and started sucking it, then taking more and more until she had to begin swallowing the hot meat. Barbara was wasting no time. The smooth cock glided down her throat so easy, how she loved it. Barbara took all of it, deep throating Bull as he watched in amazement how this blonde honey could so easily do what his girlfriends couldn't. Barbara backed off Bull leaving his cock glistening with saliva. She asked, "want to fuck my ass?" "Hell, yeah, sweetheart," Bull answered. He let Barbara kneel on all fours. Then he stooped behind her rubbing his cock between her legs. He slipped his black shaft in Barbara's cunt first, collecting some juices from her moist slit. Then he went to her asshole. He pushed on her anus and she let him push in. Her little anal pucker sucked the black head of his cock inside. Barbara let a deep. My extracurricular sex life in no way reduces my love and affection for you. I'm just expanding my sexual horizons. I'm telling you this now so you can become a part of it if you so chose." This is a joke right? You are putting me on?" Marcia told me that you would probably react this way. The big thing, she told me, was to make sure that you understood that my taking a lover would not jeopardize our relationship or my love for you one iota. I just need to help you understand that my sexual freedom will benefit our marriage by making me freer to try new things and be more responsive to anything that you might like to try." Do you really believe this bullshit you are spouting? That I will sit back and say "Have a good time dear" when you take a lover? You don't know me any better than that? Has your opinion of me dropped so low that you think I'll just accept a role as your cuckold? Right now you are fortunate that I'm choosing to believe that you are joking about what you have said.
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