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Her long, shapely legs were always on display. She never wore slacks or jeans, which Mary Jane considered unladylike. She was blessed with an hourglass figure, perfect teeth and a friendly smile. All this coupled with her winning personality made Mary Jane a very popular girl indeed. Mary Jane was no genius but that would never be a handicap for her.Yet, there was something about this one boy's look that gave her the "oogly googlys." The oogly googlys to Mary Jane was something that made her feel weird and uncomfortable. Mary Jane always accepted admiring stares with good grace but this weirdo's look had really gotten to her.Normally Mary Jane wouldn't be riding the school bus but Jerry, her boyfriend and captain of the football team, had his driving privileges taken away from him by his parents for poor grades. Until Jerry improved his grades he wouldn't be able to drive Mary Jane to and from school and on dates. Mary Jane had considered another boy friend as a temporary fix but she. ”They both started to walk away, and a couple of minutes later they turned at a corner, and was hidden behind the trees.I went out from my hiding place, and quickly went over to the truck.It was totally unmarked, which could mean that it was either a regular truck, or someone didn’t want people to know what was in their trucks.The way the men had talked made me curious, and I went towards the back of the truck.The doors were locked like they said, and I instead went to drivers seat.Nothing in there seemed weird, it looked like any other truck I had seen.Then my eyes saw something on the floor under the seat.A key.I picked it up and tried it in the ignition, but nothing happened.I then went to the back, and tried it on the door there and the lock clicked.My heart was beating faster as I opened the door.Boxes. Lots of them.The car had about 30 boxes inside, and they all looked pretty strange.Some were marked with fire hazard, or other danger signs, and some even had the text “Secret” on.
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