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OK, I answered, still puzzled as to what she wanted. Squeezing my hands in hers she looked me in the eyes and said, " Will you please make love to me?" My heart almost dropped out of my chest. This took me totally by surprise. Not that I was appalled by the idea, in fact the thought had entered my mind about her over the years more times then I can remember. I smiled, kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear " I would love to Amy"We both smiled, giggled like two school girls skipping class, and raced to the bedroom. We stopped just short of jumping in the bed and smiling once more before embrassing in a long passionate kiss. It was like the first time I ever kissed anyone. The butterflies in my stomach, the excitement and anticipation was almost to much to bare. She started undressing me, and I returned the favor, noticing for the first time just what an amazing body she had. From her firm 36b breast, her smooth skin and flat abs to her shaven cunt. We collapsed on the bed eagerly. She was pulled off balance several times by her master’s long confident strides. She understood why she was in the situation she was in, What she’d done would’ve gotten her thrown out by other masters, just not Everet. She stared at her master’s back wondering if he’d change his gait.Everet Walked confidently, at times taking a bigger step than needed, he was going to make this as unpleasant as he could for Evelyn. Arriving at the Registration table, he smiled as he felt the tether grow slightly slack as Evelyn came to a halt behind him.Anna Slowly stepped from behind Angela, Stepping so she was shoulder to shoulder with Arianna. She looked casually around the large exhibition hall they were in, seeing men and women in sorts of shapes and sizes, wearing all manner of clothing, everything from nude to full evening gowns, even some were wearing nothing more than leather or rope harnesses. Some had what looked like ping pong balls strapped in their mouth while others had some form of.
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