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I hope nothing is broken.” She slowly got up from now deflated dick and smiled at me, “Don’t worry. I needed this more than you.” She leaned over and flushed the toilette. “So my little boy, please get up and let me wipe you.” I followed her lead as in trance and bend over to let her clean me up. She gently washed my hole with soap and wash cloth, while she still had her nozzle and enema in her butt. “So, here you go my darling. All fresh and clean for me.” She gently moved me away from the toilette bowl, pulled the thick nozzle out of her rosy butt hole without spilling a drop – I was impressed about her muscle control – and plunged down on the seat letting it rip. “Oh, that feels so good,” rubbing her still full clit for another climax. I moved closer and started sucking on her full nipples. “Oooh. Mmmhh.” She mumbled while I move my hand down to her wet pussy, gently pushing her hand aside and rubbing her clit gently between my finger and thumb. “Ooh. Yesss. Oooh. “ she. But never to true Fucking.All that was forgotten as Kate's tongue caressed mine and she struggled with my belt. She had me unbelted, unzipped and pants down around my ankles in what seemed like milli-seconds."God! I've wanted this!" she said as she pushed my pants down. She gripped and started pumping my stiffening cock.She dropped to her knees and licked her lips. "Tom, it's so beautiful tonight. Tasty looking, too." She opened her mouth and engulfed my cock.I could only groan. Closing my eyes I leaned back against the wall and hoped my legs would not turn to jelly.Her tongue was imitating a vibrator as she moved her head up-and-down my cock. With a shrug, she pulled me deeper into her mouth. A momentary pause as she swallowed to get past the gag reflex and her lips were buried in my pubic hair.Swallowing repeatedly, she kept her tongue active and the suction going.Kate had never deep-throated me before. Now the muscular ripples of her throat were quickly becoming too much for me.I.
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