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Now please lie down on the blanket.”Lying on my back I see Jacques open a jar of lotion. “This is a special combination of ingredients that a chemist friend prepares for Yvette. It contains moisturizers, revitalizers, and a special blend of THC/CBD.”“Isn’t THC/CBD from cannabis?”"Yes, it is. I shouldn't be transporting it over the border, but if you know Yvette, if she says she needs it I cannot say no, so I bring limited quantities. Yvette loves what it does to her skin plus she proclaims that it helps with a woman's inflammation and pain during her cycle, and the cannabis extracts give her a pleasurable blissful relaxed feeling. It is a mere $100 an ounce."Suzie watched as Jacques scooped up a handful of lotion and started to apply it to her breasts. His hands were gentle and reassuring. Although his hands were massaging an intimate area, there seemed to be no sexual intention to his action. His hands moved lower to her belly and continued to rub in a circular motion.. I woke up the next morning not knowing if what happened was real or just a dream. The doorbell rang and I put on a robe and answered it. It was her. She asked me if I was ok and I said I was. She said if I ever needed them again just take two of the pills she gave me and come on over. I hid the piulls. I knew in my heart I would never get into a situation like that again. That just happened. I didnt mean to cheat and never mentioned it to him. Then I thought why, why did I keep the piulls she gave to me. He was going out of town on thursday. i wondered if taking those pills would be such a great idea. I thought I would take them when I was alone to see what they did to me. I took only one this time. She recomended I took two so I cut the dose down. He kissed me good bye and went on his business trip. I was already feeling great from the pills what ever they were. I figured if I took them while I was alone i would have some fun while he was away. Oh yes I was yelling as I fingered.
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