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It's just so hard for me to believe when I'm reading these stories that these are happy marriages, that there is true love for each other. A husband saying "Honey I love you so much, I want you to be happy, so fuck this guy as long as you come home to me." That just seems like total 'bullshit, ' but there are people out there that say it's true.You read enough of these stories and I think you start believing this shit, I really do.Take wife swapping, I always thought it would be something. Take this mans wife, kiss her, fuck her, let this married woman give you oral sex. Do everything with her except love her. Then just walk away. I could do that, I know I could. But, then I think about my wife being treated the same way by another man. I'm just not open minded enough to accept that. To believe my wife will feel the same about me when we go home. I know now I wouldn't feel the same about her.Of course like most married couples, topics like this in the heat of passion always spark. The dress opened in the front, and with the way she took it off, I was reminded of curtains being drawn open before a play.And what a show it was. Her breasts were beautiful and perky. Topped with the most perfect pink nipples I have seen even to this day. They did not hang, but seemed to defy gravity, sitting there proud and unashamed. Her figure could only be described as lithe. She had her share of curves, but she had an immediate and obvious agility. Like a long-time ballerina turned stripper. My gaze continued down, and locked hungrily on every inch of her.She sauntered back over, and this time pulled my boxers off, allowing my proud member to spring free of it's cotton restraint. She looked at it for just a moment, then took it into her hands. Stroking and playing with me. My eyes rolled back in my head at her touch. Had I really once thought silk was soft? Silk was like sandpaper covered with glass shards compared to her touch. She continued to stroke me for what could have.
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