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It resides in the middle of a low land valley surrounded by small rolling hills on all sides; with federally protected forest lands, to the west, and unincorporated grass lands to the north, plus some farms as far as the eye can see to the South and East. The commute to the nearest 'city' is at least a 2 1/2 hour drive.The very first thing you notice when you move here is all the 'hottie' moms, they are all over the place. They're playing sports, walking in the parks, swimming or sunning in and at the community pools, or gym pools, and mostly pools in their own backyards. You see them playing in the golf courses, walking and/or jogging on the sidewalk. But what else do you notice? Oh yeah! Their daughters are a chip off the old yet firm and gravity defying behind. This is a horny dudes paradise! Well let's not get ahead of ourselves. These are real women (as real as fictional ones can get), so it's not that you're going to get swamped by cock hungry sluts; although they have needs,. "He ... Insulted me," I said, fighting to keep my voice down. "He was talking bad about me and refusing to do what I told him to and..." Shoot!" She grinned. "I thought he done raped you, girl!" What? He insulted me! He was talking back like I'm some kinda..." Some kinda negra?" Mercy reminded me. "That's what you is." It's not funny!" I hissed. "I want that boy whipped. I'll do it myself." You gone have to talk to suh bout that, girl," she said. "Ain't no whippin' round here but he say so." You whip me all the time!" I said too loudly, and I swallowed hard."That ain't no whippin!" She shook her head. "See? You done even know what you's askin' for, huh!" You ain't gonna do it?" I stared at her."No. I ain't gonna whip that boy," Mercy said. "And you ain't gonna neither. Goan get yourself outside now, we's workin' negras in here." Fuck!" I jerked my head hard and caught Lilah staring at me. "What're you looking at?" N-Nothing, ma'am." She looked down quickly and Mercy gave me a shake of.
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