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He said he needed to talk to him. They went to the meeting structure and sat down with the other council members and several other androids.Thomas went on to explain that over time, some of the androids had actually begun to develop feelings. At first they had been uncertain of what was happening, but eventually figured it out by watching the various human crew members. They established back channel communications with androids on the other ships and found they were experiencing the same thing. Some female androids had been created with artificial wombs so they could be used as surrogates for women that wanted children, but were unable to carry them. Male androids could be used to deliver sperm to unmarried women, or women whose partners were infertile, or were females themselves. A few special modifications had been made to the androids that had been included on the journey to colonize the new planet.These feelings really started to develop after the first five years and by the. Eventually after about four months of being a full time girl and learning everything about being a girl from my gf, she asked me if I was gay. I knew I wanted to eventually be with a man as a woman, but I didn't feel ready to leave her. She had taught me everything and I was scared to be away from her side forever. There were a few more things I needed to learn before I embarked on my new life. I'd fantasised about men many times but had never actually done anything with one. She began teaching me how to give a good blow job, I said I knew what guys like, but evidently I did not. we practiced on her 10" dildo. I struggled at the start with surrendering all power. As a woman you have to let the man take charge and do what he will. I was used to playing man and deciding what happens. She made me masterbate to gay brainwash sissy porn 3 times a day, which really helped. She had done tonnes of research online and had been contacting a woman who was going through a similar experience..
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