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” The clue she gave me brought the memory of burning the bodies. I hadn’t forced anything; I told the mana what I wanted, which made the fire a reality.I closed my eyes and tried again. As the ball started to form, I was suddenly smacked in the head. The mana building in my hand suddenly shot through my body like a taser charge. I fell on my side, twitching. Fortunately, someone held my head, so I didn’t smack it on the ground.Once the charge had settled and I could feel my extremities again, I angrily jumped to my feet, “What the fuck! Why the hell did you do that? It felt like I was being tased again.”Petra answered as she returned to her spot, “I’m sorry you had to endure that, Shaun. It was the fastest and easiest way to drive home the dangers of mana burn. Every time you attempt magic, there needs to be mana running through your channels. You remember what happened to the Mage Hunter yesterday, correct? If there had been mana in his channels when you hit him, the shock, while. It's only a matter of time. But we will be together again. I promise -- if that's what you want."Judy's face lit up instantly. The setting sun caused fires to dance and glisten in her watery eyes. She threw her arms around me and exclaimed, "Of course it's what I want! No wonder I love you so much." Then she drew me closer and our lips met in a soft and passionate kiss.The voice of Judy's mom broke our momentum. She had been watching and listening through the screen door. We looked back and noticed that tears were in her eyes as her hand lay sympathetically on top of her heart clutching the fabric above her chest. "Judy, your father and I are going to sleep now. We've got an early day tomorrow. Take as much as you need, but don't stay up too late." And with that, Judy's mom wiped a tear from her cheek and disappeared into the house.Within moments, the house went dark and all movement inside stopped. The sun had set in a brilliant display of gold and magenta. When the.
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