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"Once again the six great families are assembled to honour the memory of our illustrious forebears, formalities commence," He ordered, took a measured step forward and spoke."Major Stanley Asquith Her Majesties Fusiliers" His foot crashed down in perfect time to the formal salute.The reverend wandered forwards, a bemused grin on his face."Reverend Doctor Peter Holmsey, bless all assembled here this evening" He intoned in a dulcet voice.Christian stayed put on the couch uttering with as little enthusiasm as he could muster."Doctor Christian Browning, look couldn't we just eat without all of this tripe?"A joint stern glance from the major and reverend stilled Christians mock rebellion. Daphnia raised her glass where she stood warming herself in front of the generous hearth, sipped and announced."Daphnia Squires-Fortescue, oh sorry I forgot in all the excitement - Dame Daphnia Squires-Fortescue," a cut glass voice echoed softly in the room.Marion stood from her comfortable chair and as. One of the first things I did when we got home with the Emily V was to pull the gasoline engine and the associated components. We didn't dare run the gasoline engine when we were in space, anyway, and the vehicle was no longer going anywhere under its own power. I also pulled the transmission, fuel tank, and wheels. This gave me convenient places to put things. For example, I put the AGG in the former engine compartment, with the business end pointed toward the passenger cabin.I spent some time with the louvers under the passenger cabin closed while I got the gravity adjusted to a comfortable level. I couldn't tell any change in the power drawn by the unit, no matter how much gravity was being generated, so I just set the AGG to produce 1 g and left it at that. Don't ask my how I did it, I just followed directions, but I was able to get the gravity to act toward the floor of the cabin even though the generator was located to one side of the cabin. Go figure!Anyway, now we needed a.
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