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Kristi and I remained in place and it was only a few seconds before I felt another cock trying to violate my still-throbbing pussy. Mike’s cock slid in me easily after the trail blazed by his brother but it still felt good. In a way it felt better because I was able to concentrate on how he was pumping it into me instead of wondering how I was going to take him all in yet again. Kristi must have been getting her first sample of Sam’s monster because she let out a large squeal with a touch of pain in it.“GOD!!” was all she could get out before she bent her head down and squeezed her eyes tightly shut. Kristi was very petite and her pussy was smaller than mine. Many times I had watched my dad fuck her and even though he was nowhere in Sam’s class I was still amazed every time my dad entered her that he was able to get it in her. I could only imagine what her pussy must be going though as Sam penetrated her.“Ohhhhhhhhh, ” she moaned and then I heard her say something I had never heard. ”“Please ... Ralph!” Megan cried out as the guards dragged her off, having been patient with her long enough.“Jesus, Ralph, you really know how to pick ‘em!” Aaron chuckled at that.“Never piss off a hillbilly!” I shrugged.“Yeah, you and Colonel Lomax both!” Aaron alluded to the fact that our glorious leader was himself a backwoodsman from the hills of West Virginia.The fighting was now very intermittent, having long spells between outbreaks, and then lasting for hours at a time. The bulk of it was street-to-street, block by block, house-to-house. The Militia simply decided to grind the Klan down and literally smoke them out of one building after another. Captured child soldiers, and there were quite a few of them, were simply disarmed and sent home. They often went home with their mothers, also simply disarmed and dismissed.Even some fathers, ones clearly civilian conscripts forcibly inducted into the Klan’s auxiliaries, were disarmed and emancipated. The Kluckers had clearly been.
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