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Well I assured her she will get plenty of looks with what she was wearing. After she left my gf comes in and said she and her stepmom were going shopping and would be back in about 4 hours. Well they left and I was left alone (so I thought) and grabbed a porn vid and pop it in and started slowly stroking my cock wishing I had Cheryl’s mouth and sweet pussy on it. As I was stroking and watching the video I caught something in the corner of my eye and didn’t really think of it at 1st but then I started thinking some one was home and I had been caught jacking. I turned the video off threw on some shorts (commando of course) and went to see if someone was home. As I reached the living room I could hear the TV on and then saw Cheryl sitting on the couch watching TV and asked how the beach was. She said she didn’t go because her best friend had to go someplace w her parents and she didn’t want to go by herself. Then we were watching TV and she was still wearing her bikini and I. " "I don't know why you didn't just tell me the books were here in the first place," said Jane, "Now just get the hell out of here. How do you expect me to study with you distracting me like this?" "Sorry Ma'am," said Tom as he shut the carol door. Tom left the room and went into the adjacent utility room. From that room, he could see Jane through the vent. He took out a small vial from his shirt, and then reached under the boiler to pull out an oxygen mask. He then smashed the bottle on the side of the wall next to the vent. Upon contact with air, the contents of the bottle turned into smoke which seeped through the vent into the carol where Jane was studying. "What the fuck?," said Jane as she noticed the smoke coming through the vent. It was the last thing she said however, as the fumes quickly overcame her and she passed out. When Jane awoke, it was several hours later. As she looked up from her daze, she saw Tom. "Wake up little Janey," said Tom, "You seem to have dozed off, the.
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