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Sitting on the opposite side of the table in her booth was a very young girl. She looked to be around twelve or so, although Sammy realized she wasn't the best judge of age. The girl in question though was very young and very thin. She also had pink hair and big dark brown eyes. However, the biggest surprise besides her obvious young age was the tumbler of whiskey she herself had."What the hell are you doing here?" Sammy demanded, glaring at the girl."At the moment? Trying to save you from cancer," the girl replied. "Beyond that? Same as you; enjoying the whiskey and the silence." Yeah, well I was enjoying the whiskey and the silence until now," Sammy quipped. "I was even enjoying my cigarette. Now of all people I really think you're the last one who should be lecturing about healthy lifestyles." Huh? Why is that?"Sammy took another deep drag off of the cigarette, held her breath for a few moments before blowing the smoke back out. "Drinking whiskey at your age? Worse than smoking. She was pretty and voluptuous, with a cheeky smile. A little older than me at the time, probably in her mid-thirties and she was wearing very tight white lycra trousers. I remember these most of all because at one stage she bent over and the site of her ass in them was glorious. Big and round and shaped perfectly by those beautiful white pants.I’ve always believed there is nothing more attractive to a man than a woman who fancies him and I was eager to get with this sexy woman.We got closer as we chatted and before long we were cheek to cheek, she was playing a little coy and not letting me kiss her straight away but soon we locked lips and started to explore each other with our tongues. At this stage, I had a raging hard on and had only one thing on my mind.I suggested going back to my place, again she was playing a little coy and said “oh, I don’t know” in a sexy cockney accent while biting her lip. The play acting was driving me wild with desire and I could see the lust in her.
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