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As she began unbuttoning her blouse, she could feel her big tits pressing tightly against the confines of her bra. She would have to buy a larger bra soon. Her tits, already unusually large, just seemed to keep on growing!Placing her blouse on a hanger, Libby looked into the full- length mirrors on the wardrobe in her room. Her long, slender legs always attracted a lot of attention from the young boys at the high school and even some of the male teachers seemed to get hard-ons when she let her skirt slip teasingly over her knees.She removed her skirt. Slipping out of her sheer panties, already moist with her juices, her eyes glanced up and down her body in the mirror. She removed her bra and looked with pride at her full, ripe tits, with their taut, rosered erect nipples, just waiting for some boy's hot hands to play with them.Reaching up, Libby gently massaged her lush tits. And then her hands wandered down to her flat tummy, finally reaching down to stroke her moistening pussy. She. Why he wanted to debase her like this she had no idea. She could no longer hide in her secret place,…. because she was going to have to confront the fact that he was doing this to herRealising that undue delay would result in her breasts being whipped; she removed her fingers, accompanied by a soft squelching and put them to her lips. Seeing William watching intently, she opened her mouth and after inserting the fingers, began to lick and suck them clean.~ My God, what has become of her self-esteem, ~ Tina thought. To subjugate herself before such a wicked teenage boy, to the extent that he was in so much control that she was compelled to obey each of his sadistic and degrading demands.After ensuring that she had obeyed his instructions to the letter, William ordered the kneeling woman, "Now show me your arse, woman."Tina bent over and got onto her hands and knees and she spread her legs a little further apart, supported herself on her face on the hard floor. Reaching behind her, she.
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