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As I walked down the road, a male breeze lift my skirt up exposing from knees to my waist. Like the breeze knew that the man driving the red car behind me was a very horny pervert. As faith would have it the car stopped alongside me and a very muscular man asked me if I would like a ride out of the village as the s un was so hot. I said yes with a smile. My skirt flipped up exposing my legs, he watched and smile at me. Then he said to me like your skirt want me to see what under it. I replied hmmm may be it want you to see the precious gem it is hiding.Well I can take you to my place and remove it. So I can to get a good close up look of the precious gem. While he was speaking, his hand made it way between my legs. Which I open just enough for it to feel what it was searching for, as his fingers meet my smooth shaved pussy I watch him and liked my lips. He smiled and push his finger as deep as it could go at the moment. Then he pulled it out of my cunt and put it in his mouth. I melt. "We are coming to an end, I have a terrible desire for beer... Are you going with us or do you want to explore this little village?" dad said.I had a terrible urge to drink something and eat something. I already had to agree, after which ..."We'll go to a few places, the area is really pretty. Then maybe we'll eat something." - Monika interjected.Super... at the very thought I started to sweat. What if she wants to dominate me in a public place? At the same time, Monika let go of my eyelet, took my hand and walked towards a small market. We did a few laps watching the historic cottages and reading the history boards. Eventually, Monika took me to something cold to drink."Sit down, I'll bring you drinking. Don't try to move from here." - Monika suddenly changed her tone.I sat down and even though she had gone for something to drink I felt a huge excitement.Suddenly, after about ten minutes, I felt a touch on my neck."Hold, carbonated with lemon. That's how you like it," she said, while.
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