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Steve stuck my arse up on a cushion and rubbed his circumsized cock up and down my pussy while Jane stuck her pussy in my mouth, i was waiting for that first push.Steve put his cock in slightly as i licked and sucked at Janes pussy, i knew he had more and i wasnt dissapointed,it felt like his cock was up to my throat when he went full way, thrusting into me as dylan watched.I was lying there with a guy fucking the life outta me with my tonque up his wifes pussy while she was grabbing my tits and nipples when, Dylan came over and started to fuck Jane doggy while she kissed me.This was too much for me not to cum with excitement so i did.Orgasm after orgasm i had with Steves cock but i was lying there thinking about how Jane must feel with Dylan fucking her and that made me want Dylans cock.I asked Steve pull out and made him promise that,when he was about to cum inside Jane he would pull out and put his cock in my mouth so i could taste and swallow his cum.I was glad to have dylan back. But it came back within a few minutes. So I had to wait for some time in the lobby as the airline was not checking in yet. While waiting, I noticed a guy sitting close to me. He was tall and fair and had a spiked haircut with hairs highlighted with colour.He had his eyebrows and ear piercing. He wore a tight t-shirt exposing his body figure, an average build and was wearing relatively tight shorts. Everything about his looks was screaming gay. Since I had some time, I decided to start a conversation.I wished him happy pride month. He said, “Thanks and happy pride month to you too.” I replied, “Thank you!” Then we started talking a bit, small talk at first. And it turns out we were both heading to SFO on the same flight.After some conversation, it started getting a bit personal. He started talking about how difficult it is to find guys to date these days. I nodded. He said, “And especially being in India, how difficult it is for ‘us’.” I agreed.After a few seconds, I realised what had.
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