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"I want just you, Allie. You two have had your fun already." "Well, we want just a little bit more," I said, kissing my little girl. "She's as much mine as she is yours," said Mel, stopping the car. "Why are you stopping? Drive! Take us home," I half whined. "Get out!" she said. "What?" "Get out!" We both got out and circled the car. "What is your problem?" I asked angrily. Allie was still in the car, her head hung low as if ashamed. "You just don't get it do you? I don't like you taking my girlfriend away from me." "Your girlfriend? She's my girl too and I love her just as much as you claim to." "Are you saying I don't love her?" "Maybe you just want her for sex. That's more that can be said of me." She hit me then. "What happened?" I yelled, "We used to fuck for days. I thought you loved me. Now we're fighting over another girl. Do you even want me here anymore?" "I don't know." "Remember the drive home? How many times did we do it then? Three times?" "And then again when we got. Finally, I turned away from the window, but he still hesitated. I waved a strong "come on!" to him, and then he moved.Downstairs, at the back door, I hesitated a long moment, then drew in a deep breath and opened the door, stepping out on to the small back porch. From there I could just see over the fence, and I saw my audience come out his back door. He glanced over and saw me."Come around to the gate," I invited, indicating the way. "I'll let you in."Looking puzzled, and wary, he followed my directions, and a few moments later I opened the gate, stepping back out of sight of the street to let him in. He hesitated, then came in.I faced him boldly, and stuck out my hand. "Hi, I'm Beth. What's your name?" Uh, Larry," he answered, taking my hand limply. I gave him a firm handshake, the way daddy had taught me.He didn't know where to look. He wanted to look at me, but he was afraid to.Stepping back, I posed for him, intensely conscious of the feeling of being outside, with the cool,.
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