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As we were talking and getting down to it there was a knock on the door, Donna smiled at me, and upon opening the door there stood the waiter.He came in and I went to the bathroom, after five minutes I went in the bedroom and they were both on the bed snogging, I walked in and Donna said “I’ll be back in a minute” as he and I looked at each other he made small talk. Then Donna appeared wearing stockings and suspenders, her usual seductive look, walked up to him and sat on the bed with him stood in front of her.As she kissed him she ran her hands over his body as I fondled my wife’s tits from behind, she undressed him completely except for his boxers which held an impressive shape, she stood up and snogged him, as she did he felt her tits and I rubbed her through her knickers, her moans told me she was close to orgasm.She motioned me to get in the mood and into position, I got off the bed, stripped off and stood behind the waiter, she sat on the edge of the bed and was running her. Prescott looked confused, the officer sighed and tried to imitate the sound. “Eah ... Eah ... Eah ... It sounds like that, but much louder. If you hear that, leave the room and follow the signs to the emergency exit. But if you leave this room unaccompanied for any other reason, your sentence will be doubled automatically.“The time is now 9:33. A licensed physician will come to examine you at 9:45. The doctor may be male or female, but they are doctors and you will follow their instructions. The examination will consist of a check of your heart, your lungs and your blood pressure. He or she also will examine your buttocks to ensure that the skin is healthy.“Your caning is scheduled for 10:10. I will return at 10:05 to take you there. If I am late, remain in this room and wait for me.“Both deputies conducting the caning will be female. They will confirm your name to ensure that you do not receive someone else’s sentence. Those two officers and the officer who checked you in are the.
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