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Then she came up my shaft with her hand, caressing it's length with her fingers as she swirled her tongue around the tip. I felt like I was seeing stars. My knees were weak.She slipped the shiny robe she wore off her shoulders. It dropped to reveal her breasts and panties. I was mesmerized by them, her dark nipples shimmering in the shadows of the small room where she blew me. They bounced lightly, jiggling when she moved back and forth on my pole. Her eyes darted up at me, and I felt shy that I was so fascinated with her body. But, I was powerless to stop taking in her details."It's ok if you look at me. I want you to," she whispered, turning a little to bring her nipples into the light from the window. My balls entered her mouth as she stroked me wetly with her hand. She licked all around the base of my penis, her nose drifting into my un-trimmed pubic hair. One wet fingered wriggled back between my legs and found my anus, applying gentle pressure in small circles while she mouthed. She and her husband stayed at our place.She looked hotter than before and I hoped I could get laid with her. One lucky day when my parents were out and her husband K had gone to his office for the day, Soumya and I sat talking casually. She was wearing a black long nighty and her shoulder length hair let down.The conversation shifted started with my studies and soon moved to my friends and girlfriends. I was telling her about how I have never had a serious relationship with any girl and she said I definitely would have had some fun with them. The conversation soon turned naughty. I told her how I had overheard them having sex last time. She slapped me playfully and said,Soumya: I thought of you as a little kid at that time.Me: I was but I heard you have sex and my friend downstairs became an adult.She started blushing.Me: How come you guys don’t close the door anymore?Soumya: Ahh! you know after having a kid you kinda lose interest in sex.Me: Really? If I had a wife like you I would.
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