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" Gratefully I complied, and hoped he wouldn't notice that I closed my mouth for a few seconds trying to moisten my tongue. I need not have worried though, for a moment later he was before me again, holding a water bottle. He held it to my lips and without further permission I sucked on the tip, eager for the water, but trying not to drink too fast. He was patient and allowed me to drink my fill. I always had to eat and drink this way, from his hand, my own hands bound and useless, my sustenance his to offer or withhold as it pleased him to do. "Thank you, Master," I said, automatically, as soon as the bottle left my lips. Then, a second later, "Master, slave begs to speak." "Speak, slave," his reply. Again I was following protocol as I spoke, "Master, slave thanks Master for being allowed to drink. Slave begs Master to be allowed to renew Masters taste in slaves mouth." A condition of my slavery was that at all times the last taste in my mouth was to be the taste of my Master, either. I started to bite her hard nipples and made her moan and scream my name. I went back to her pussy and started to kiss it,I spread it and she smelt awesome, I started digging my tongue into her and this made her hold my hair and pulled me closer to suck. As I sucked away,I was squeezing her boobs. I made her come soon and drank every last drop. She then turned to me and started to go down on me,she sucked my cock hard and started biting it,I spanked her and shouted saying if you do that again, I will fuck you so hard that your pussy will tear. She only started to bite harder.I flipped her over and went on top and without warning rammed my cock deep inside her. She screamed, I kissed her so no one would here her. I then started to move slowly and their was blood which I used her panties to clean.She was crying with the pain,I told her relax,it will go soon and within a few minutes she started to enjoy it. She was moaning my name Karan karaan ahhh ooh ahh ah ahh yes fuck me harder your.
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