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When I was in as deep as I could go, he pulled off, then back on. I let him control the pace for a bit, then slapped his ass and said "stand by, "Baby." He whimpered, and then "please." I bent his head downing the bed, grabbed his shoulders and started to hammer him as hard as this old man could. And he was tightening his ass in the thrusts, pushing back into me, and loving it. I slapped his ass and felt him go tight. "Like that" "Yes." And spanked him pretty hard, feeling him tighten and heard his moans. I felt for his cock and it was large, but soft. I could not concentrate on taking care of him, and just fucked him, pulling his shoulders and his lank long hair. Above his shoulders he was terrible, but below that he was gorgeous. I was ready to get explode and the guy pulls off. Lays down on his RV bed and turns his head too me and rips off the condom and sucks me deep. I was astounded, and horrified. He opened his throat, pushed in deeper and I felt my cum stream out, I looked. "It sounds like you had more fun than Charlie?" Marcie asked and I had to admit that it was so."We were in a sixty-nine with me on the bottom and Charlie fucking Charlene right next to us. The shaking bed must have distracted Melinda. She suddenly spit my cock out and turned around. She crawled up to me and laid on top of me to watch Charlie slam his cock into Charlene. He was using the fourth condom so it was taking him a long time to come. Charlene was just laying there, looking up at him in wonderment. Every so often she would wrap her legs around him, but he kept breaking her feet apart with his back-thrust. It was an entertaining sight. Melinda asked me if I really had another condom." Wow! It sounds like she wanted to fuck you again!" Marcie exclaimed."I felt that I owed her something for her trouble; she had been a good sport and busted Charlie's cherry," I said and pictured Marcie's jaw dropping. I didn't think she would hang up this time. Since our night together, me diddling.
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