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Somehow I was feeling excited, like a new wed bride. Why? No idea. But I was feeling happy. Often I touched my breast and sleeve on which he had placed his hand briefly.Next day it started raining right from morning. But Shashi’s work never stops. His car came and he left to Delhi for two days. I was back to loneliness. I checked fridge and there was some pulav of previous night.So I decided not to prepare any fresh lunch. Few of my neighbors came and sat for an hour or two gossiping and talking about the next kitty party. Once they left I took bath. In rainy day hot water bath made my body light and refreshing. I wore cotton long skirt with a chiffon top doing away with undergarments as had an urge to masturbate. Finishing my lunch I laid down on the bed. Closing my eyes I was caressing my left breast with one hand and my finger went busy between my thighs.I was beginning to get excited and hit orgasm when suddenly the bell rang. I had asked maid not come in the afternoon as it was. He releases the spell and is enshrouded by a maelstrom of darkness. Shrieking as his body twists and warps to Lilith’s every whim. I never promised it’d be painless…~Miria wraps his newfound wings around himself, desperately trying to hide his demonic form. He sobs wretchedly, looking up at Lilith for some kind of conciliation. “I-I’m a monster! Just look at me… this isn’t cute at all.” Lilith has to suppress a groan.“How ungrateful. Most would sell their soul in a heartbeat for my gift,” offers Lilith, pondering if the noise-cancelling wards she’d summoned could endure this boy’s punishment any longer.“You wanted to make Lorrian regret hurting you, yes?” she whispers, kneeling down and brushing aside a strand of hair from Miria’s face. His true intent had been clear from the beginning. It was only fair she give her master exactly what he wanted.“So? He won’t even be able to look at me like this,” replies Miria, wondering how long it’ll take for him to be imprisoned in the Guild’s.
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